Any rifle, any calibre.
Any sights but no Ballistic Calculators - these functions MUST be switched off
Shoot seated with rests/bipods if you like and only from the R/H-most lane - reserved for this competition only.
10 shots at five, orange painted spinners (two shots per spinner.)
A point for a hit, zero for a miss. Solid hits only please – a wobble from the breeze of a near miss pellet isn't good enough.
No plinking or practice shots on the orange spinners – they're for the competition only.
10 rounds over the course of 2024, shoot one round per week whenever you like.
And anyone who scores 10/10 with a Springer gets a round of applause.
And that's about it. The idea is to keep everything simple and straightforward – nobody needs to go and buy more kit as, if you've got a scoped rifle (and who hasn't?) then you're ready to take part. Anyone wanting to try this for the first time should just have a word with Erni on the 50m range (he's almost always there) and he'll show you the ropes.
Some other points.
Get someone to witness/count your shots/score. 10 isn't much but you'd be surprised how many people lose track under competition conditions.
Set your pellets out first or only load 10 if you're using mags.
Inform Bri (if he's there!) of your score. Alternatively, drop him a line at or post on the 50m Denwood Comp. thread on the GARC Forum.