Grampian Air Rifle Club
Grampian Air Rifle Club


And the March '21 rifle competition has a winner - congratulations to Alex! 


And well done to Steve and Stoof for taking part, better luck in April?


It looked like Stoof was going to win this by virtue of being the only entrant but Steve L motivated himself enough to pick up a rifle and have a crack. 


There's no reason why you can't try this on the 50m range at Denwood now that it's open again so why not have a go?

A couple more rounds shot and this is beginning to look like a competition.  Our two intrepid shooters are making a determined go of things but a few more entrants to keep Steve and Stoof on their toes wouldn't go amiss though.


There's a week left and things are looking very close - which shooter will crack from the pressure first?


After much deliberation, Alex C has jumped in with a collective 78 for his first three rounds - right on the pace.


Stoof is the first to get all five cards in.  Is 129 enough to win?  That depends on Alex and Steve.


And the answer is no - Alex just put in two shiny 29s to take the lead.  Steve?


Please note this is not a postal address, it's purely for finding the club.



Grampian Air Rifle Club

Denwood Shooting Range

Countesswells Rd


AB15 7YD

Want to become a member?

Read the information on the New Members Info page first then text Chris on 07938 215843.

or contact us directly using our online contact form.

Opening hours Every Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 at Waulkmill Fishery & three or four Wednesdays per month at Denwood Shooting Range 18.00-21.00.  Plus there will be additional dates added throughout the year.  All shoot dates can be found here -

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