The postal competition is now open - get yourself over to the GARC Forum, put your name down and join in.
It's free to enter and there's no strict time limits - shoot when you like.
Download and print your targets (the PDF file is in The Rules) and away you go. Enter as many or as little of the comps as you like.
We're having a different format this year - monthly competitions. The June '21 comp is on so get stuck in.
Entries close on the last day of each month and you can keep up to date with happenings on the dedicated GARC Forum page.
The Rules.
Any 0.177 pistol.
Open sights only.
Standing, unsupported and one handed.
The range should be as near to 6 yards as possible.
Only use the GARC pdf target sheets.
One shot per "bull" for a total of 10 per round.
Score the target yourself.
Completed entries to be photographed and emailed to
Honesty is the key here so, after practicing, commit yourself to shooting an official entry then submit it warts 'n' all - no shooting a dozen sheets then entering the best!