Grampian Air Rifle Club
Grampian Air Rifle Club

No shooting at Denwood this week.


Watching out for a Walther -

see the Wanted page.



Grampian Air Rifle Club

has it all!


At GARC we cater for all types of informal airgun shooting.  Whether you want to plink away with a pistol or rifle on the 10, 25 and 50m ranges at Denwood,  or get a bit more adventurous and try HFT in the woods at Waulkmill we have it.



"Plinking. We love it but why?  Whether it's a casual ten minutes spent felling cans or an hour of smacking spinners, plinking is simple, addictive fun and is one of the cheapest, safest and most accessible forms of shooting.


For most air gunners, plinking represents their first point of contact with rifle shooting and it's the perfect way to introduce the novice to the fundamentals of safety and technique whilst providing a solid platform for achievement and challenge."


Charlie Portlock, Journalist, Hunter and Instructor


Hunter Field Target (HFT) is a target sport which combines Field Target shooting with hunting style scenarios to create a fun, challenging and competitive sport for all the family.  Shooters of all ages and abilities regularly take part in the sport at their local club and/or nationally on the UKAHFT competition circuit.


Our Waulkmill courses host national events with contestants coming from far afield but we like to keep a friendly, informal atmosphere for our normal sessions - shooting a good score is often less important than enjoying ourselves in the company of like-minded  enthusiasts and friends.

We also have four 10m lanes on the indoor ranges at Denwood where we shoot our version of "10m lite" - a less formal take on pistol shooting.



Grampian Air Rifle Club is affiliated to:


National Smallbore Rifle Association


The British Field Target Association


United Kingdom Association for Hunter Field Target


Aberdeenshire Sports Council


Please note this is not a postal address, it's purely for finding the club.



Grampian Air Rifle Club

Denwood Shooting Range

Countesswells Rd


AB15 7YD

Want to become a member?

Read the information on the New Members Info page first then text Chris on 07938 215843.

or contact us directly using our online contact form.

Opening hours Every Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 at Waulkmill Fishery & three or four Wednesdays per month at Denwood Shooting Range 18.00-21.00.  Plus there will be additional dates added throughout the year.  All shoot dates can be found here -

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© Grampian Air Rifle Club